"Program on Enhancing Creativity & Innovation for Attaining Sustainable Advantage"
Join CLC upcoming professional development program on "Enhancing Creativity & Innovation for Attaining Sustainable Advantage" on the 24th & 25th April, 2025 at The Club Mumbai in collaboration with SPS Jaggi. This workshop presents a prime chance to significantly improve your current abilities, equipping you with the tools and techniques to excel further in your position and reach new heights of achievement.
Key Takeaways -
This highly interactive capacity-building workshop will include individual/group exercises, case studies, role-plays, and video learning.
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:
Understand the fundamental principles of creativity and innovation. Learn practical strategies and techniques to foster creativity within teams and organizations. Gain insights from real-world examples and best practices from leading companies. Recognize the importance of leadership in nurturing a culture of creativity and innovation. Collaborate effectively with others to develop innovative solutions. Develop a personalized action plan to enhance individual and team creativity and foster a culture of creativity and innovation in their organization.
An accomplished HR professional with over 37 years of experience working in different HR positions in the Mines, Plant Operations, and Corporate Office with long stints as head of Corporate Communications, CSR, Liaison and administration, and Business Excellence function. Along with a demanding career functioned as a regular faculty for the past twenty-five years on various subjects of HR, Public Relations, and General management like discipline management, interpersonal skills, leadership, EFQM Model of HR Excellence, etc for in company training courses as well as programs for other PSUs like SAIL, NSPCL, SCI, and academic institutions.
For Registration, please feel free to call on +91 8369013779 or email at business@corporatelore.in