Masterclass on "Excellence in Contract Drafting"

Masterclass on "Excellence in Contract Drafting"
Holiday INN- Mumbai 9th & 10th May, 2024.

With case studies, group discussions, practical handouts and expert tuition, Attendees should have greater confidence in challenging badly-drafted provisions and recognizing when "conventional wisdom" is not supported by case law. will truly learn how to strengthen Delegates will return to their workplace with practical and actionable insights which will help their organization become more effective, and better performing.

Organizational Benefits -
Through this Commercial and Business Contract Drafting Course, participants shall be able to benefit their organization in the following ways: Inspect assignment and novation to make sure you are suitably protected in the case of transfer or sale of rights. Deliberate the purpose and effect of typical boilerplate clauses and how you can leverage value for your organisation through clearer drafting. Deal with payments and interest terms to understand how penalties can be applied. Get up to date with the practice and drafting of contractual warranties and indemnities. Comprehend the effect of exclusion and limitation clauses, and how they can be used to manage your exposure.

Personal Benefits -

Through this Commercial and Business Contract Drafting Course, professionals will benefit in the following ways: Develop your knowledge of the risk of drafting a contract without a confidentiality clause. Know the risks that can be created through poor drafting in practical exercises under the guidance of the expert. Recognize the pitfalls and advantages to applying an effective standard structure and format to every contract. Learn how to construe variations and time of essence clauses. Simplify the distinction between 'best endeavours' and 'reasonable endeavours' contracts. required terminology in commercial

Course Expert - Mukund Puranik.

+91 8369013779

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